St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church - Shrine of the Holy Virgin Mary
Ecumenical Patriarchate - Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas
2701 N. Narragansett Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 * 773-889-4282
Sunday Religious Education Program (Sunday School)

Our program has been developed with the purpose of not only teaching the basics of our Orthodox Christian faith to our children but also to make the time spent in the class a continuous experience of faith and of the loving presence of God. The program we offer is appropriate for children between the ages of 3 years old (Preschool) up to 14 years old (8th grade). This program uses the basic curriculum books that have been carefully designed by experts working in the field of religious education. Lessons from the workbooks are taught at an age-appropriate level. The younger children will also participate in active learning through coloring, puzzles and games. The older children will have an opportunity to engage in other activities such as, learning and singing hymns of the Church or taking part in charitable projects which benefit those in need. Classes begin promptly at 11:30 am following Divine Liturgy. 

Attendance at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday  

The parents together with their children are expected to be in Church at 10:00 amfor the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. The regular participation and worship in the Sunday Divine Liturgy is the basis for and is essential to spiritual formation and growth of every Orthodox Christian. It is in the Liturgy that we encounter Christ from the heart. In the Liturgy, the Word of God in hymns, prayers and movement is communicated to the soul. Regular participation in the Holy Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist (Communion) is essential. It is in the Holy Sacraments that we directly experience God and are filled with His grace. Nothing can substitute this experience. In the Sacraments we know God, in the religious school we learn about God. These are complementary to each other and not exclusive. We ask the parents to make every effort possible to ensure the regular participation of their children in the Divine Liturgy on Sundays. Children are not allowed in the classrooms prior to the start of class without adult supervision. 

Our Team 

Our director, Sofia Panajoti, will be guiding the older children (ages 11 to 14) to a better understanding of Orthodox Christianity. Teaching children between the ages of 7 to 10 the fundamental concepts of our Orthodox faith is returning teacher, Vanera Tako. And new to the team this year is Beatrice Tuda who will be supervising our younger students, children between the ages of 3 and 6. Please feel free to contact our team members with any questions or concerns you may have. 

2016 Registration Information 

SUNDAY SCHOOL will begin on Sunday, September 11. It's never too late to enroll your children and give them an opportunity to learn about their religion. You can find the registration form here. Paper copies are also available in the church narthex. Please completely fill the form out, even if your children have participated in our program in the past, and return it to one of the Sunday Religious Education (Sunday School) teachers before classes begin at 11:30 am.

End of School Year Celebration

On May 29th, 2016, the children of the Religious Education Program at St. Nicholas Church had a small celebration on the occasion of completing their classes of religious education for year 2015-2016. The staff of the religious school, together with the children and their parents celebrated a blessed year during which the children grew in knowledge and love for God. The presence of Fr. Kostandin, who blessed the children and their families, made the event even more joyful.

Classes for the Religious Education Program at St. Nicholas will resume in September 2016. More details will follow in the upcoming months.

Me 29 maj femijet e programit te edukimit fetar te Kishes se Shen Kollit festuan mbylljen e vitit shkollor 2015-2016. Stafi i shkolles fetare se bashku me femijet dhe prinderit e tyre festuan nje vit te suksesshem per femijet qe paten mundesi te fitojne me shume dije dhe dashuri per Zotin. Pjesemarrja e At Kostandinit, i cili bekoi femijet dhe familjet e tyre, e beri kete eveniment dhe me te kendshem.

Klasat per Programin e Edukimit Fetar te Kishes se Shen Kollit do te rifillojne ne Shtator 2016. Informacion me i detajuar do te vijoje ne muajt e ardhshem.

Albanian School and Arberia group will have their last classes on June 5, and this concludes 2015-2016 school year. 

Shkolla shqipe dhe Grupi Arberia do ta mbyllin vitin shkollor me klasen e tyre te fundit me 5 qershor. 

Religious Education Program - Sunday School
Monthly Newsletter / Buletini Mujor
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