St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church - Shrine of the Holy Virgin Mary
Ecumenical Patriarchate - Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas
2701 N. Narragansett Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 * 773-889-4282
2022 Ladies Auxiliary Officers
Sofia Panajoti - President
Venera Tako - Vice President
Maria Barbachi - Recording Secretary 
Dea Lanzito - Corresponding secretary
2022 St. Nicholas Feast Day Preparations

On Sunday December 4, 2022 a group of dedicated ladies from our community gathered together in the church hall to prepare our traditional and we dare say famous Byreks that were served to the people attending the services on December 5 & 6 in celebration of St. Nicholas our Patron Saint. This beautiful tradition has been carried on in our church for generations thanks to the faithfulness and hard work of all the ladies who have contributed their time and talent to such an enormous task. 

A special thank you and much gratitude goes to all these hard-working ladies who came and worked together in a spirit of love and friendship during the making of the byreks, decorating the Christmas tree and the church hall and also organizing various aspects of the celebrations during December 5 & 6. The byreks were delicious and everyone was coming for seconds and the hall looked fabulous! Thank you and God bless you all!  


The ladies who volunteered in various tasks are: (in alphabetical order) Maria Barbachi, Helen Byers, Eda Cako, Emanuela Cako, Vasilika Damo, Mirela Dinella, Arjana Guraziu, Kay Giannos, Ana Iskali, Anila Kamenica, Helena Kamenica, Julia Kamenica, Maria Kamenica, Vasilika Kamenica, Poli Kresto, Zhuljeta Kresto, Valentina Kowalew, Dea Lanzito, June Mihailofski, Mirela Pajcini, Blerta Palo, Sotiria Palo, Janet Papajani, Reana Peshtani, Mira Qeleshi, Albana, Romacka, Rudina Shkembi, Efigjeni Shkira, Elona Shkira, Olga Titos, Violeta Vasili, Connie Zika, Toula Zouras 

Annual Charitable Giving Projects

In partnership with the Irving Park Community Food Pantry, the Ladies Auxiliary sponsors various annual drives throughout the year to benefit children and adults in need who reside in our neighborhood and local communites.  The annual sponsored events are:
Easter Basket Drive
School Supply Drive
Winter Coat Drive
Christmas Toy Drive

Please consider giving generously to each drive if you can or pick your favorite cause and give a little something annually. Flyers will be posted in church and on this website prior to the events listing dates and giving detailed information.

Part of our mission is to raise funds in support of humanitrian causes.  At the end of the year the Ladies Auxiliary members chose several charities/orphanages to recieve a donation from a portion of the money they raised that year.  The amount of the donations are based on the dollars raised and if any special projects are being considered for the upkeep of the church. 

Ladies Auxiliary Mission

Part of the function of the Ladies Auxiliary is to promote fellowship within our community by sponsoring various events throughout the year. These events bring our community together socially and help raise needed money to keep our church operational. The other function of the Ladies Auxiliary is to provide aid, assistance and support to those in need whereby part of the funds raised from these yearly events go toward charitable giving to humanitarian organizations..

To all the women of our parish, please join the Ladies Auxiliary at their monthly meetings held on the first Sunday of the month, following Divine Liturgy. Hope to see you there.

Annual Activities and Events

St. Nicholas church would be unable to function without the committment from the members of the Ladies Auxiliary to work for the betterment of our parish.  Much of our work happens behind the scenes, so to speak.  Listed are some of the behind the scenes activities the Ladies Auxiliary undertakes annually.

Decorating the Epiaphion
Coloring Easter eggs
Planning the Resurrection Service coffee hour
Planning and serving for St. Nicholas Feast Day
Making and baking burek
Decorating the Christmas tree, church and hall

The two major fundraising events sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary are the Pre-Lenten Luncheon and the Shen Kolli Dinner Dance.  Other luncheons and activites are also planned throughout the year to promote fellowship among our parishioners.

Past Officers and Activities:
2015/16 Ladies Auxiliary Officers
Elvis Borova, President
Elvis Borova, President
Elvis Borova, President
Mirela Pajcini, Vice President
Mirela Pajcini, Vice President
Mirela Pajcini, Vice President
Ariana Guraziu, Treasuter
Ariana Guraziu, Treasuter
Ariana Guraziu, Treasuter
Nicole Poni, Recording Secretary
Nicole Poni, Recording Secretary
Nicole Poni, Recording Secretary
Dea Lanzito, Correspondence Secretary
Dea Lanzito, Correspondence Secretary
Dea Lanzito, Correspondence Secretary
2015 St. Nicholas Feast Day Preparations

On Friday, December 4, 2015, members of the Ladies Auxiliary and our church community came together to make our traditional burek.  The burek along with other baked goods was served to parishioners and friends attending our St. Nicholas Feast Day services on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.  On Friday, the Ladies Auxiliary also decorated our Christmas tree and the hall in preparation to receive the attendees.  The dedicated ladies who faithfully come every year to make approximately 30 large pans of burek are to be commended for taking on such a daunting task.  They are carrying on a tradition in our parish started many years ago by some of the wives of our founding fathers. Thank you, ladies, for your hard work on Friday...we appreciate everything you do!

The ladies who volunteered on Friday doing various jobs are: (in alphabetical order) Janice Anascans, Maria Barbachi, Vasilika Damo, Kay Giannos, Anyla Kamenica, Maria Kamenica, Vasilika Kamenica, Anastasia Kotomelo, Mariana Kreshpani, Zhuljta Kresto, June Mihailofski, Louisa Miranda, Mirela Pajcini, Diane Pero, Maza Shamata, Mimoza Shkira, Mary Starova, Olga Titos, Kozeta Tuda, Dita Xeka, Katrina Xeka, Connie Zika, Lillian Zurawski.  (Apologies in advance if any names were misspelled.)

2015 Making Burek in the Church Hall

Making Burek - 2015/12/04

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The Ladies Auxiliary would like to thank Fr. Kostandin and all the sponsors, donors and members of our community who supported us for the celebrations of our Patron Saint Nicholas and made the Shen Kolli Dinner Dance a beautiful event to be remembered. All the ladies worked together with one heart and much dedication and self-sacrifice. Everyone who attended the Dinner Dance enjoyed the food, the music, the wonderfully decorated room and above all the company of each other. It was a blessing to witness such outpouring of love and joy! We thank our loving Lord for guiding us and blessing our efforts!